Good news story: Manchester chef Mary-Ellen McTague takes the lead to feed NHS staff
In these uncertain and challenging times, we have been inspired by women in the food industry who have been motivated to use their skills and energy to help others. Our co-founder Janie Ash spoke to chef Mary-Ellen McTague for her story of how she is responding to Coronavirus and helping frontline staff and vulnerable people in Manchester.
Friday, 10th April 2020
Good News Photo Story: Chefs Creating over 1,500 daily lunches for NHS staff
We have been heartened by the stories coming in from many in the food industry who have been motivated to use their skills and energy to help others. Jodi Hinds was kind enough to share her wonderful photos of a team of over 20 chefs from leading restaurants who have taken over the kitchens at Le Pont de la Tour to prepare over 1,500 lunches a day for NHS workers at University College Hospital and 5 other hospitals.
Saturday, 9th May 2020
Good news story: Gin producer makes sanitiser for local hospice
We caught up with Zoe Arnold-Bennett co-founder of Shed 1 Distillery, a micro gin distillery in Ulverston. They’re using gin to make hand sanitisers for their local hospice, local charities & other vulnerable groups. Find out how they raised over £5,000 for this great initiative.
Saturday, 18th April 2020
Good news story: Chefs go the extra mile to help the NHS, elderly and mental health charities
We are continuing our series of news features of women in the food industry who are putting their skills and experience to great use by helping others in this challenging time. This week we are featuring two chefs whose work is supporting frontline staff and the elderly in London and in Bristol.
Saturday, 18th April 2020
Good news story: Jess Latchford on Managing Surplus Produce & Food Redistribution
While the world is going through mass uncertainly and flux we have been talking to a number of women in the food industry about how they are handing this change. Jess Latchford , is Director of Waste Knot, and her company supplies food service organisations and gives new life to vegetables and fruit which would have normally been discarded for cosmetic reasons. We spoke about how her business is responding to Coronavirus.
Tuesday, 14th April 2020
CODE Hospitality Industry’s 100 Influential Women 2020 features WiFi Supporters
For the last three years CODE, the leading hospitality magazine and website. have published a list that honours women who “genuinely affect change in the hospitality industry.” We are delighted that so many supporters of Women In the Food Industry (WiFi) feature in 2020’s list of amazing women.
Friday, 27th March 2020
Resources for the Food Industry During COVID-19
It goes without saying these are unprecedented times and in times of crisis it is normal to feel overwhelmed, helpless and fearful. Thankfully the food industry is responding to these difficult times with creativity, support and strength. We have put together a few links to resources that you may find useful & will try to update it where we can.
Thursday, 26th March 2020